Who on here is from Michigan?

So I'm living in Colorado now and have been for almost a decade, but being a recent college grad (even with a BSME) with little experience isn't working in the current job market; I love being here but the recent migration of people in the last couple years made it super competitive and expensive. One day I was thinking "wth let's see what some of the big players have open" and apparently FCA has a huge number of positions open for entry-level engineers which seem really cool. I currently live with my family and it would be a big life change for me to go that far away on my own (or with my wife I should say). So anyone on here live in Michigan, preferably anywhere near the Auburn Hills or Chelsea areas? What's it like? I hear the winters are pretty harsh but the pics on Google look nice lol...

Hi MOPEkidD-3,

I hear you on the life changing deal with moving that far away. I packed my lifes belongings in a uhaul trailer and in the back of my pickup, and moved from north eastern new jersey to west texas when i was 26. That was 21 years ago. It was a bit of a culture shock for me, living in a big city area, and moving to a small town. Eventually i made friends in a very small mopar circle out here. Life was a bit different here but i quickly adapted to my new home, and quickly grew to love my adopted state. The bonus for you is you wouldent be going out to michigan by yourself, a definite plus. If your close with your folks and siblings they are only a phone call or email away. I setup a skype account so my parents can visit with the grandkids a couple times a week, and i call my folks in the morning on my way to work to chat a few times a week while they are eating breakfast. Dad just turned 80 this year, so it helps a lot to keep in touch. I try to fly out by them at least 1 time a year, and they come this way 1 time a year. So we get to visit a week every 6 months. A job at FCA sounds like your dream job. Go for it!! Lots of motorheads at FCA to network with. I hear the company employee car shows they have are pretty awesome.