Attention Panhandlers...

I assess the person, and consider the likelihood of true need vs BS.
I then count my blessings, and consider that there but for the grace of God, might be me one day. So I have given money in the past more than a few times. I myself am having the most difficult financial situation I have ever been in, and pray I am not reduced to this to stave off hunger. Despite working 6-7 days continuously for the past 7 years to make a living for my "entitled" family, and perhaps because of it, my wife divorced me.
My employer lost a huge contract at exactly the same time, and I was part of the 25% laid off two weeks later. A person who sabotaged production equipment and destroyed equipment I was repairing (smashing it with hammers and throwing it in the trash dumpster) remains employed.
My child support order cannot be changed to reflect one child graduating high school and loss of income until July 27th, and the debt is mounting fast. The house has been sold, and I won't have a spare penny until closing August 16, I must try to pack and move all my belongings 50 miles away with no help from my family and no money to rent a truck or storage unit. I have been selling things as fast as I can, have a job waiting for me as soon as I get moved, but they understand I am trying to sell and move and are willing to wait.
Unemployment pay is being swallowed 75% by wage garnishment. It is more important that I continue packing than take a job at one third my pay rate. To say I am discouraged is a massive understatement.
I have given money to panhandlers when I sensed real need, this economy can turn on you in a split second.
I now go to bed hungry and wake up hungry.
I am supposed to move with zero cash somehow. One child is helping me a small amount, because teenagers today have no sense of responsibility. I'll have lots of cash on August 16, but am supposed to be out of the house on that very same day.
Then too, I cannot qualify for any house purchase with current employment, but returning to work now will not permit me any time to pack for moving, as soon as I start work I will likely be back on straight 7 day a week schedule, which IS expected in my industry.

Judge not, lest ye be judged.