340 3" exhaust unbearable

At cruise or part throttle,I can barely hear my TTI supplied dynomaxers. Full 3 inch duals with their TTIs. No crossover anymore. And no drone whatsoever.I only have 420 or so buckeroos, but when they get to pulling, then everybody knows it's me. Needless to say, I take it easy, close to home.
Oh yeah; factory turn-downs.
I gotta ask what kindof hangers are you using? And how radical is your 268 engine.

Hey I gotta tell you what I did just after highschool
See; this Azzhole cop pulled me over for noisy mufflers. This was in about 74/75 and there were no noise laws yet, but I didn't know that. Turns out he wasn't as big an azzhole as I thought, cuz he gave me some time to fix it and told me to bring it around to the station and he would reduce it to a warning.So I went home and grabbed a big corrugated card-board box and cut a couple of 16 inch squares out of it. The day before my appointed time,I rolled those up tight, cut them to fit and jammed them up the pipes. Then I drilled a whole straight through the pipe and cardboard and out the other side, into which I stuck a nail. The next day after I passed his noise inspection, I rolled around the corner, stopped, pulled the pins, jumped back in and goosed it. Babamms that cardboard was street-litter!
To be fair the car was really loud. 65 Valiant wagon 340/904/fenderwells into dual 2.25s into really short THRUSH straight-thrus out the back under the rear axle. It was a straight shot from the end of the header to the rear bumper. Yeah it was loud.I was 23 and didnt give a a a hoot!
Card board is cheap
I made another pair to idle around the neighborhood with;but I didn't wind 'em up as tight......
Man, that brings back sweet memories.