AJ's guide to Transfer Port Synchronization

Transfer-Port sync; 1)Make sure the fuel level is on the money.2)With the Curb-idle screw,set the t-port exposure under the butterflies,to about square to rectangular,or .025/.030 high. 3)Set the idle-speed with bypass-air,and idle-timing.4)Limit your power-timing to eliminate detonation 5)Bring in the mechanical advance at a rate that the engine accepts and likes.(don't force it too fast).6)Vacuum advance;Try to bring it in as fast and hard as she will accept it.If it pings under light acceleration,you may have; too much idle-timing,too fast a mechanical curve,or too fast a V-can rate.Cans are adjustable 7)Typical street-cammed SBMs may run 12to18*initial,and 32to36*power, and up to60* cruise. 8)You may have to re-index(phase)your rotor to ensure the spark goes to the intended cylinder. 9)Fresh 87E10 is clear,or very nearly so.