Foose 17x8 4.5 bs on 67 Dart ?

215/45/17's are really short tires, only 24.6". But yes, they'll fit in the front. But with any tire wider than that and you'd need more backspace. Pretty narrow tire too, kind of a waste of an 8" wide rim. You'd be much better off with 5" to 5.6" of backspace.

A '67 Dart with the stock spring locations is going to be tough for a 255 in the back even with perfect backspacing. It can be done on some cars but not others, it's close enough that your margin of success is less than the factory body tolerances. You need a good 1/2" to the quarter to keep from rubbing unless you've really got the back end raised up in the air. You can get away with a little less to the springs because of the shorter sidewalls. With BBP axles and disks you should really have more like 5" or even a smidge more for backspace in the rear to max out tire width. With a 17x8 and 4.5" of backspacing with BBP and disks I think you'd probably only safely get 235's back there. With a 5" backspace you should probably be able to get 245's in there.