You might be an Ahole test.

If you park like this is in a busy near full parking lot.
You might be an Ahole. (What do you think the next car is going to try Ahole?)

If you swerve over into the oncoming lane because something or someone is blocking part of your lane with cars coming the other way expecting them to give you room.
You might be an Ahole.

If you swerve across three lanes of traffic to get in the left turn lane and THEN put your signal on.
You might be an Ahole.

If you pull into a one car parking space and leave your 16 foot trailer sticking out across the driveway in and out of the parking lot when 100 feet away there is "vehicles with trailers" parking.
You might be an Ahole.

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Sounds like Pismo Beach,on the 4th ofJuly....