Need suggestions for getting old gas out of tank

Wow. Thanks everyone for your replies to my message. Initially I was excited about the "change the tank" option, since my mechanic would do that for me...:) But then it was mentioned that the new ones look crappy and I do not want that so I guess I will take a stab at siphoning. I bought a siphon setup. :) What to do with it later is an issue...I have a few ideas I guess for that. Oh I see someone mentions a dead spot in the

I'm not sure how much is in it but I think it is over half. Maybe even almost fulll. Which sucks. lol.

Someone mentioned Minnesota. I lived there for awhile and drove my dart there from CA. I remember my drive shaft broke in town somewhere and I found these two dudes who were mechanics...I think I found them at a car parts store. They fixed it for $200 and on my way.