Water/methanol injection

So I bought this snow water/methenal kit awhile back, an am just getting around to messing with it.
So what I thought a guy could do when I first bought this kit. Was a guy could go get some washer fluid with the lowest freezing point an get a decent amount of methanol in the jug. But after a little research turns out methanol evaporates from the jugs and from what I read the windshield wiper fluid has maybe 30 % if a guy was lucky.
So methanol is an alcohol like isopropyl with maybe a higher octane rating an not as corrosive to parts as isopropyl. Can a guy mix a little isopropyl in with the windshield fluid to up it closer to a 50/50 mix ?
I'm wondering because I can get as much isopropyl as I want but methanol is a little harder to get.
I couldn't find much on the web about mixing the two, I thought maybe someone here has done this? Or has water/methanol on his/her forced induction car an would like to chime in on there experience with it. Thanks.