Losing a Loved One

I've come to the conclusion that mourning is not only the grieving of your loved one but a metamorphosis of you yourself "passing away". You are completely changed. Your likes, activities, lifestyle, outlook, everything changes. You are no longer the person you were.That person died with your loved one. I guess that's why it takes a while to finally learn how to live with the pain. We shut ourselves off, cocooning ourselves like a butterfly. After awhile, we work our way out but as a completely different being. Never the same as before.
Beautiful words brother, I`m feeling your pain, as I have lost 3 family members within a year, 2 at the same time 2 months ago. ALL TRAGIC losses. My older brother died the 6th of this month last year, I knew his alcoholism, would eventually take his life and was so painful for my parents to see him in his condition. He ran head on into a large work truck with his 4 wheeler. Tragic but I was able to move on with life after about a week.
My 83 year old father had a stroke back in December, lost his mind and shot my mother who would have been 80 2 days ago and my 60 year old sister dead. He now gets to die in a ungodly cage, I don`t think he`ll last very long.
It`s just me and my younger brother left. This has destroyed me, of all days, this had to happen on friday 13 in may. A day that will live in infamy for the rest of my life. I have been sick to my stomach ever since and can barely sleep, I don`t know if I`ll ever be right again.
GOD bless.