Losing a Loved One

I'm married since 1969, we had a son in 1971 and a girl in 1974...........I was the first father to assist at the delivery of the baby in that hospital, so I withness the very first breath of my son......

In 2007, my son died of cancer (3 cancers in 2 years) and now my daughter announce us that she got a cancer..........

Only this year that I realized that I withness the FIRST and the LAST breath of my child......

We all have our own life.......

If I may, I'd like to post a picture of my son' GTX and my daughter' Scamp.......

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That's awful.
We look for increase in life, to see our parents live to old age, to see our children bring us grandchildren, and the joy of sharing.
But there is no "fairness", no guarantee that we will not suffer the trials of Job, who would not curse God despite all the tribulations of evil thrown at him.
Your life is witness to the goodness that exists, to the promise of tomorrow, to overcoming the seeming endless entropy.
Love prevails over all, even in the Valley of the shadow of death.
Peace unto you.