Dissapointing performance

"But I dont bellieve it changes much, sorry to disargee with you.

That comment alone says alot about you, language barrier aside.
You seem to have planned your engine theoratically by putting components together that SHOULD make good power... on paper! Obviously you are not where you wanted to be (... it should make 400 horse does not guarantee that it actually will, no matter how many dyno sheets you look at).
But still you disagree with everything being said... by people who have built maybe hundreds of 360 engines in their lives. So they know what they are talking about because they speak from experience. Better listen to them, not one of them is being rude what I would call rude. :p

Your cam is too big for the gear ratio, together with the small carb and exhaust. You were looking for horsepower but you probably killed all the torque down low.