Vendors View of 2016 Carlisle- Good,Bad, Ugly, or Stupid-Report

Not sure if anyone started a thread like this but if so ignore this one. If not, let's hear it.
So, as always, it was the fastest 4 days that ever existed. It was hot and humid but it didn't rain so no flash rust to clean off parts. I got to see a bunch of my Mopar friends that I only see once a year ( sorry I couldn't hang/talk much). I don't think I sat down for more than an hour the whole weekend. Crowd seemed on the light side but it was more than enough. Generally the buyers were pleasant and informed. A few were about to get on my last nerve ( no, I will not sell you 3 of the set of 4 Redlines, stop asking)but all in all a good time. I set up with my long time friend Quickbpbp and some tool lifted one of his GTX grill emblems. As far as I know nothing of mine was stolen this year but last year someone took the knobs off my 71 RR radio (karma's gonna get you pal). I never made it more than 100 feet from my spot but the vendors I did talk to thought it was a slow year.
Well, thanks to everyone that stopped by chat or bought parts. See you next year!