Stop in for a cup of coffee

This song always makes me think of the cars I've lost over the years.
I know that's not what it's about. Just the way my head works.

Makes sense to me because love songs remind me of cars too because i have never been in love with a person before. In fact i think "love" is just a marketing tactic of nature to get people to reproduce or else none of us would be here.

I take the movie Christine seriously, that car really loved him.

Cars are special. Why do people wish for old cars back yet hardly any other possession brings such emotion. That is why i never sell cars because later i will regret it. I dont understand flippers who put more importance in the dollar when no one has ever wanted a particular dollar bill back.

I have so many memories with a particular dollar bill that i had for years and we went through so much together, me and and that dollar bill.......said no one ever.

I dont know what it is about cars but cars are special unlike any other creation of man.