About as bad a day as it can get.

Really GLAD you got home safely! That car show site should be sent a link to this thread to show what their lack of hospitality could have caused. What an exclusive, snobbish bunch. It's better you learned it up front so you can stay away from people like that.

Also, you may want to check everything on that side for bends and the like. Since that wood block was solid, it may have bent something. Control arm......anything. Also, get that front end aligned!

Awesome job man! You got home safe and sound in the face of total adversity and after encountering some totally adverse people.
I let them know and they people that run the show did apologize and have said I am welcome to come back. Not sure if I will, don't really care. What happened was the weight of the car and driving it pushed the block into the bracket that holds the bump stop and it deformed around the lower control arm. It was just really wedged in there, no damage. The car is going in for alignment this week if I can find someone. I've called five different places in town and nobody wants to touch it; they all say it's too old for their computer run alignment rack. The tow is fine, it's just the camber that's the problem. I was talking to a friend this evening and he told me of where he's taken all of his classics, so I'll be calling them tomorrow. Next project is gonna have to be the wipers since they stopped working on that trip; the pivots are so stiff that the wiper arms no longer move, but that's another day.