Losing a Loved One

yes you come on this site more man, you know the support you have here. I wish I could could come up with all the right words to help you out but all I can do I write just some of what I feel and think. the last dozen or so comments are so right on I feel.
first let me tell you like just said. alcohol is only a small crutch. it is a d epressant, it will make you feel better for just a very short while, then it will proceed to do you such terrible harm. yes I too lost a good friend due to it.
yes, find the right people to surround yourself with. those that will lift you in this time of your life, not pull you down. they are put there. YOU will have to find them, and let them recognize you need their support.
the RIGHT church, composed of the RIGHT pastor and people, can be such a help. please do not blame God for the path of life. look to HIM for his mercy, wisdom, and guidance. please.
don't be a stranger on here.