Dissapointing performance

IF you ask me how she looks? Yup. I do.

That's what you're doing here. You're asking us whats wrong with your combo. Then we tell you. Then you're telling us we are wrong. If you know everything, why ask us?

Do you understand why that is a problem? And why people are getting frustrated? Language barrier or not. You have to see whats going on here. Otherwise, you can continue on your way. Although I suggest you upgrade from a shovel to a backhoe. You'll dig this hole you're in already aalloootttt faster.
Do you say that "Your wife looks like crap." or do you say "Well I have seen some better ones but she is still pretty fine" Everyone can open page 1 and see who started to talk inappropriate.

Yes I asked for help, does it mean I cant suddenly disagree with anyone? I have my own opinion and often arguments to support my opinion. Im not afraid to disagree with anyone of you in this forum. I dont either scare to be wrong. I dont see trought internet who had build 100 mopar engines and who are not and I dont really care. Tell your own opinion with good arguments ant then we can discuss about things. If im not agree with someone that is not attack, it is normal conversation.