No I thing your spot on! I agree,I don't want to send you detail pictures only to never here from you again! If your really in the market for what I'm selling and your local. Come look and bring your cash! I think this attitude comes with getting older. Plus I'm fortunate. I can't ever remember EVER having to sell anything. So either pay my price or go eat shat and bark at the moon!
When I was selling one of my bikes I listed it for $1000.00 "No lowballers, No BS" because it's worth every penny and more.
First guy that calls offers me 600 for it so I hung up on him.
He calls again, and say's he'd feel a lot better if he could get it for 600.00 so I hung up on him again, and calls back and leaves a message that I'm an A-hole. :D
(read the ad dumbass)

Next guy lives 2 miles away and want's "detailed pictures" of the bike from all angles.
I told him to window shop somewhere else, otherwise get off his lazy *** and come look at it.
I guess I'm just not a very good seller. LOL