Opinions on swap meets

In all my years of running the swap meets (30 plus), I've only had parts stolen once. I covered all my stuff with a tarp on Thursday evening at Autorama when it was held in the Astrodome complex here in Houston. On Saturday, a friend who was at the swap meet came over to my spaces & mentioned that he thought he saw the Mopar intakes that went missing from my spot Thursday night. I went over to the space & examined the intakes for tell tale numbers that I engrave on all my race car parts. The numbers were there, so I stepped over to the registration booth & made mention of it, they asked me if I had reported it Friday when I opened my spot, which I had. I was told to go back to my space & someone would come see me about the incident. About 30 minutes later, two sheriff deputies came to see me. I described the intakes & the numbers that were in the intakes in multiple places. The deputies & I walked over to the space, they questioned the individual about them, he gave them some BS story. They didn't buy his story, gave me my intakes & took his thieving sorry *** to jail. They told his friends to pack his stuff up & leave the premises. I guess there is justice, I testified against him, He was convicted of misdemeanor theft & spent 5 days in jail. Other than that, I've never had anything stolen at the swap meets here in the south. To my knowledge, Most of your neighbors will look out for your stuff if you ask them. Sorry for the long response, I just thought the folks here on FABO should hear someone's side of the story, because there are really some great swap meeters out there.