Dissapointing performance

If you did not reads all of post 153, or
If you did not understand all of it, or
If I used words too big for you, then
ask for clarification.
See I care if my wife feeds me food that could cause me to become constipated. Constipation is to be avoided at all costs.
And I care about the salvation of my kids.
Just about everything else is water off a ducks back.
People brought me their stuff to work on for over 20years, and they would wait weeks to months for me to get to it. I always had between 100 and say 500 hours of work ahead of me.I can fix just about anything in my field. I have fixed stuff that many other mechanics had already tried and gave up. Some of the reasons I am successful, is cuz I am patient, persistent, and I formulate plans.I set things in order and then I follow the plan.
You, on the other hand have no patience, no persistence, and no plan. When you get done listening to chaos, perhaps you will revisit some of the posts, presented in this thread.If not, I don't care anymore.....