cramps !!

So first of all Triple-R it was not Minstrel! LOL I was taking a pass in the car of course as always trying to put the gas pedal though the floorboard thinking that it will help. LOL when I go through the finish line and I can't get my foot out of the locked pushed position. my calf that cramped up so hard and then I couldn't get my knee lifted up past the steering wheel and shifter because there's not enough space between them to get my leg through. the field at the end of the dragstrip was getting larger and larger! I passed the first turn out and still trying to struggle to get my foot up on top of the brake pedal when I finally was able to catch a corner of it and get the car slow down just in time. I had to have my son finish racing the stick shift classes at the Mopar Nationals yesterday. I was able to get him a first-round bye with my reaction time from one of my practice passes, he raced the pro class. The story only makes sense to old people, when I tell it to young people they don't quite seem to understand and by the way my calf is still very sore today.