Gettin tossed a bonebone

Sometimes you get tossed a bone, get lucky in the tool world etc. So today i pull into my driveway. Its on the alley side of my property. These a black plastic case next to the trash can. I'm thinking this could be a great case for storing tools for junkyard runs. What i found inside was a lower end black n decker cordless drill 2 batteries and a charger. I took it into the shop. Quick test with my meter, the wall transforner is dead. I always save wall worts, never know when you may need one. Viola i had one with the same power requiremrnts as the bad one. Splice it all together, shrink tube it, batteries are charging now, stone dead. I bet it works just fine when they are charged up. Tossed because of a bum power supply. May not be the best drill, but i'm only out about 15 minutes of my time.

I once got a damn near full master set of stanley proto sockets, and ratchets. I found em dumped all over a 4 lane main road, felt like i was playing frogger in real life picking em up and waiting for traffic to pass lol.

Heres pix of my latest free aquisition. Share your stories.

