Bent up stuff

Update: Some of the rockers were not centered over the valve stems due to incorrect spacing. Pretty sure the pushrods were too long because the cups were digging into the rocker at adjusters. I have since purchased an adjustable pushrod length checker. I also think the lash was off because he used the 90* method, but since my harmonic balancer is blank, it was purely guesswork. I have now added timing tape. What has me confused it that he still states that pushrod length is not an issue because of adjusters. I am no machinist or mathematician, but doesn't length affect rocker arm travel? I know a few thousandths doesn't matter probably, but the longer the pushrods, the more the rocker pivots, right?

Tell him it's not a chevy, and that shaft mounted rocker arms don't float. Ideally you should have 2 threads +/- adjuster showing and no contact on the cup. The pushrods are only going to move the cam lift no matter the length. Need to understand everything in the valve train has been over stressed, and needs careful inspection/replacement. Flat spot on cam or roller will self destruct. Flat spot on the fulcrum needle bearing and it might spit the needles. I wouldn't trust any of it. Slapping a new set of springs and heavier duty pushrods on is not going to fix this.

AND STOP LISTENING TO THE MACHINIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His ignorance is what trashed your engine.