Auto to manual , pilot bearing question

It's a comparison between a 225 auto to a 198 stick. I edited the post for clarity.
My 225 Dart Lite was a stick as said..... no problems in the hills and mountains. Don't sweat it. If I wanted to take off fast, I revved it (to a higher torque point obviously) and slipped it more. And I never tore up clutches... that was my brother's job; he did that by riding clutches at stop lights... the bonehead!

Maybe because I grew up driving in hills and mountains, it was no issue. If you didn't learn fast to rev up and slip the clutch and start an inline 6 pickup with a 3-on-the-tree and a load on back, on a 20+% grade at a stoplight/sign with some moron crowding up behind you, you were in trouble. LOL Get out of the flat lands AJ !