For Sale Ads now Close 30 days after last posting.

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FABO Administrator
Staff member
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, Illinois
Hi all --

I have now set it up that threads in the For Sale forums will automatically close after there has been no posting for 30 days.

This is being done in order to prevent someone from dragging up an old ad and posting in it.

This DOES NOT mark the item as sold or found - it merely closes the thread from further posting.

I am contemplating limiting the total amount of time for an ad to 30 days from the start. (instead of from the last post) Should I do this?
I am contemplating limiting the total amount of time for an ad to 30 days from the start. (instead of from the last post) Should I do this?

This is a tough call. There are lots of sellers that may find this inconvenient and quit listing (A loss to all looking for parts). It's easier to bump than repost. (An ongoing discussion). But 30 days from last post won't affect the parts that "are" still for sale, just the ones that are long forgotten.
30 days from last post. There are lots of parts cars ads that last longer than 30 days. Nice feature Joey.
You can still PM someone on an old ad if it isnt marked sold.

Exactly. I purchased a rallye dash frame from an ad that was over 3 years old and had no activity. I just PM'd the seller and it was still there. No need to post in the thread.
Yep 30 days from last post. If seller has to relist no big deal. Lots of "stale" ads are still for sale. These parts aint getting any easier to find.
Non Gold members can not bump ads?

Correct and they will be close after 30 days if no action. How about 60 Days?
After the 30 days and the ad is closed. The ad will still be there correct, you will just have to PM the person to see if it is still for sale. correct?
Just wondering about ads that are on here like fuel adapter for flip top gas cap,dual exhaust transmission mounts,speaker mounts for dash spekers,fuel tank lock rings,head light relay kits ...that are old posts that have pages of info and only come back up when made or back in stock....I kind of like the 30 day since posted idea but what keeps someone from bumping the ad to forever...I got no beef for the ads and no solution .But what about no bumping and I guess the items list above will have to be relisted..
I would have no problem with all the for sale adds being closed even if from the start. We would only have to see it once untill it got bumped.
Or the option where we could prevent the forsale adds from being included in recent post.
No bumping adds would be the best change. That is where most of the complaints seem to be coming from.
The 30 day close will have little effect in my opinion.
Moparts does quarterly ads with no bumping, but they allow phone numbers & email addresses too.
No bumping? So if you go on your own ad and reduce the selling price even as little as 1 Penny, your not bumping but you are? I see this getting muddy as hell.
Wouldn't happen if the adds were closed from the start. Muddy is how it is now.
How about charging a nominal fee for ads that sellers want to leave active for a long period of time?
It's Joey's Football, We'll have to deal with what he decides or not. Basically what it comes down to.
Can the sellers open a new ad when the old one expires with the same thing for sale? If so, then what's the point?
I have never understood why everyone here gets so bent out of shape about the for sale ads. Scrolling down is really, really easy. And now that the sale ads are highlighted, you don't even have to read the title unless you're looking for something. Yeah, if one seller posts 30 ads at a time it's a little annoying, but it seems to me it would be easier for an administrator to send that individual a PM if there are complaints directed at them.

Closing the ads after 30 days of non-activity makes sense. That way only Gold members could keep an ad running unless there was interest or the price was changing.But really, it would be a piece of cake for me to save the original text/pictures/links of a for sale ad onto my hard drive and re-list it any time it got closed. That just means you could have multiple threads for a single item, some closed, some current. Just extra threads. That not only doesn't de-clutter the recent posts page, it adds memory requirements to the server.

No bumping for anyone seems overkill. I'm sure there are quite a few members that are Gold because they're sellers, and only because they're sellers. If they can't bump ads, they could drop their Gold memberships without any big consequences to their listings. Especially with the "conversations" allowing a running back and forth under one conversation.

Realistically, we ALL need parts sooner or later. I've bought a bunch of stuff here, and have gotten some great deals. Make selling too inconvenient and the sale items will all just move to eBay, most likely with a price increase to cover the fees eBay charges. Same with charging a fee for an ad here, it would just move the parts for sale elsewhere. And I like buying here vs other sites.

Could the classifieds forum be changed to be by subscription like the "news and politics" forum? That way people that are really upset by sale ads could "opt out" without effecting those of us that want to see the ads? I always need parts. Even if I don't need parts I still sometimes buy them. :D
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I think 30 days is good. If members that are not Gold want to bump, then let them pay for a membership. Heck its cheaper than e-bay.
Not everybody likes and dislikes the same thing. While some may can simply ignore the ads, they get on my nerves. And I am not the only one.
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