Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Really enjoying watching you get after the funnycar project.
I could see myself getting in trouble with that and laughing about it the whole time.
Looking good.

Thanks SSBA. I still feel like a renegade on the forum when I'm not posting true A-body stuff. If I only used this thread for my Barracuda it would be a lot shorter. I know some guys got upset when I started including the other projects. If I was able to stay on task and finish one at a time it'd be easier to have separate threads.

The thing that got me hooked on Chrysler was the hotrod image. It wasn't the luxury cars or the economy cars - it was the fact that Mopar made so many models that looked fast just sitting still. Their presence in NASCAR and NHRA when I was growing up in the 60s & 70s had a major influence on me.

Building an iconic Mopar funnycar would make more sense if I was 20 years younger. The sensible side of my brain keeps asking why I'm putting $$ into something that I won't drive on the street and I'll rarely take to a track.

There's that famous quote from mountain climber George Mallory when he answered the question about why he wanted to climb Mount Everest. He said, "Because it's there". It sounds like a cool answer but I have to remind myself that he made two failed attempts at reaching the summit and died on his third. Hopefully my goal will end up less tragic.

I'm sure some form of mayhem will ensue when I get this thing put together and running. Whether or not I'll be laughing about it is yet to be seen.