For Sale Ads now Close 30 days after last posting.

Hi all --

I have now set it up that threads in the For Sale forums will automatically close after there has been no posting for 30 days.

This is being done in order to prevent someone from dragging up an old ad and posting in it.

This DOES NOT mark the item as sold or found - it merely closes the thread from further posting.

I am contemplating limiting the total amount of time for an ad to 30 days from the start. (instead of from the last post) Should I do this?

Very good solution!!

To me it's a no brainer to close the ad when there is no activity. People reply to those old inactive threads after they use the for sale search function here.

The buyer could just as well take the SAME exact amount of effort to hit the PM button rather than the reply button. Right now the reply clutters the use of FABO for all others when 98% of the time the part is not still for sale or the seller is long gone.

No. We get a lot of new people because of the for sale ads.


But those new people come to see fresh ads. Not stale, unsold, regurgitated, and dusty ads from 4-6 months ago.

So I like the idea closing the for sale ad altogether after a certain period of time. 30 days from the start. Whether you are a gold member or not. Whether you bump it or not.