Not a Mopar, but I'd drive this in a heartbeat!

No pics, but I'm sitting on a '69 Firebird convertible that I've "inherited"

Robert, the best first gen 'bird site is:
A good mix of helpful & knowledgeable folks,

Thanks for the info, Cal.

I know the personal history of this car. The owner's dad used to own a Pontiac dealership and she wanted a Firebird convertible. The way things played out, as I understand it, GM was gearing up for the second gen run and, of course, couldn't fill the order for a convertible.

So her dad beat the bushes and wound up trading another car on the lot to a dealership in the Carolinas for the convertible. According to her and her brother this is supposed to be the last first gen convertible built. I've yet to verify that part of the story.