what is the problem with discount and some of these tire joints these days.

My wife bought a used 2007 Lincoln MKZ all wheel drive in 2010. After a week, we found a flat tire in the morning. I filled it and sent her to the dealer to buy a new tire. She called me and told me the service manager told her the car would "burn up" if they only replaced just one tire since it was all wheel drive. This scared the hell out of my wife as she assumed that the Ford dealer would not lie to her about something as serious as this (my wife is a lawyer). I said to put the service manager on the phone. He told me the same BS. So I ask him to specifically identify which part of the car would actually catch on fire and he told me the computer would. I grilled him ”so the to computer will actually catch on fire???" Then he says "no, but it will burn out the computer because it is all wheel drive and ABS brake sensors will see that the wheels are turning at different speeds since the tires will be different diameters with just one new tire". Then I tell him that I am a mechanical engineer and his story is pure BS. He disagrees, so I ask him would the computer "burn up" if the wife drove the car with low air pressure in just one tire? He said that if she didn't drive it too long like that it would be OK. So I asked him, how long is too long, a week, a month, six months? He didn't know. So I asked him what the tread depth is on the new tire and the other three tires. It turned out that the other three tires were only 1/32" worn difference from the new tire. I asked the service manager if 1/32nd inches were enough to cause the computer to burn up and he said it would still be a possibility. I asked him if running any of the tires with lower air pressure in it versus the other three tires would also change their diameters by 1/32" or more and he thought that low air pressure in one tire wouldn't change the tire's diameter at all. I then told my wife to come home and I would buy her tire somewhere else. Well she was so upset by what the service manager told her, she didn't even want to drive the car home for fear of it burning up with her in it! I caled Ford's regional center to complain and I told them what this service manager told us and asked if it was true that replacing only one tire on an AWD ABS car was recommended or would it in any way damage any part of the car. She sent the question up to the factory tech center and an engineer there said emphatically "No!" I told her that my wife didn't want to own another Ford because this experience made her afraid to even ride in a Ford. They apologized and logged our complaint against this dealer. Idiots should be put out of business if they use unscrupulous practices like this.

Uhhh, the 'burn up' due to changing one tire on an AWD vehicle refers to the transfercase/ transmission going out which DOES happen, whether or not your salesperson/tech/whatever was smart enough or experienced enough to speak correctly when getting pressured by a lawyer or an angry husband type doesn't matter; changing ONE tire on an AWD car (or not regularly maintaining/rotating tires) can and will result in premature wear (chevrolet has a TSB that states it takes 1/16" difference in diameter to cause premature wear) of your drivetrain. I have personally changed out transmissions on a few different make AWD cars/SUVs due to mismatched tires (one had 3 different make tires in use) I also have talked to techs at Jasper transmissions (the shop I worked at used them for a while) and they agreed with the narrative the OEMs use too.

Read some of this unscrupulous lying BS
Do You Need to Replace All 4 Tires on Your AWD Vehicle? - Les Schwab Tire Centers explains a little bit more