Saquatch sightings? BS



Legendary Member
Dec 7, 2006
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So I turn the TV on in the computer room and bam , a Sasquatch special is on the History channel. As I watch I sit in amazement of how many people are making a living on chasing down this mythical creature! Call it a Yeti,Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Caddo Critter,Chuchuma,Gugu or what ever! I call it Bull ****! There is a estimated One Trillion pictures taken in 2015 by Phone/camera toting people in the world today. Over 4.9 Trillion photos saved in 2015. Wheres the Pictures? Where are the remains of these supposed creatures? What no cadavers? In this day and age where EVERYTHING is caught on a camera phone, I say again where are the clear undeniable pictures?
I don't know about living in the wild but I do work with a few of them.
Same crap as shows like Ghost Hunters and documentaries like the Blair Witch project. (total BS)
It makes for good entertainment and even better $$$$ so it will never stop.
The Bigfoot shows are the worst on the History channel, next is the Ancient Aliens. If Aliens came to this planet, or there were advanced civilizations, where are the tools? If there are secret doors, where's the mechanism that makes it work? It's sad how the History channel has ruined their credibility with these stupid shows.
Trust me, I work with more than just a few people that think these shows are on the money and then they start ranting.
Crazy or not, they sound, act and carry on like there crazy!
The Bigfoot shows are the worst on the History channel, next is the Ancient Aliens. If Aliens came to this planet, or there were advanced civilizations, where are the tools? If there are secret doors, where's the mechanism that makes it work? It's sad how the History channel has ruined their credibility with these stupid shows.

theres a ton of aliens here, you can pick them up by the truckload over at lowes
The Bigfoot shows are the worst on the History channel, next is the Ancient Aliens. If Aliens came to this planet, or there were advanced civilizations, where are the tools? If there are secret doors, where's the mechanism that makes it work? It's sad how the History channel has ruined their credibility with these stupid shows.

What I love is the idea that aliens would even wanna visit this planet. Think about it. On a galactic scale we are probably one of the shittiest backwater places you could think of. An intelligent native species that is HIGHLY aggressive. Killings their own species and others indiscriminately. That has, in some studies, recorded in 3,400 years only 268 of peace. In others less than 100 years of peace in the last 5,000 years, the majority of which is in the last century. Other native species that are extremely large and dangerous. Unstable atmospheric conditions. Technologically un-advanced (in comparison to species that could travel around the galaxy). Etc. Etc. Etc.

In a galaxy full of planets that are probably more mineral rich. More beautiful. Less hostile. I doubt we are on the top of anyone's list.
There absolutely without doubt, has to be more intelligent forms of life out there. We most certainly can not be the only, let alone the smartest thing in this vast expanse referred to as the universe. If I'm wrong, the whole system is doomed. :)
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If you believe, I'm cool with it. All I ask is that you keep your animals in your yard Thank You!
I am looking forward to the aliens visiting us, because ever since they abducted me, I've been wanting some payback.
I believe there could be aliens. But what would a Itelligent race of E/Ts want to do with us? Most people are lucky they can even spell their own name.
A friend/coworker is not shy about telling a story of him and his father or grandfather seeing a UFO while driving. Says they both saw it hovering low ahead in the road. Had to slow down the car cause it wouldn't move as they got closer.
I could tell he believed it but I could never believe such stories. I told him he was schizophrenic and
should probably get some prescribed sedation so he could make communications.
A friend/coworker is not shy about telling a story of him and his father or grandfather seeing a UFO while driving. Says they both saw it hovering low ahead in the road. Had to slow down the car cause it wouldn't move as they got closer.
I could tell he believed it but I could never believe such stories. I told him he was schizophrenic and
should probably get some prescribed sedation so he could make communications.
They were all drinking the mushroom tea. I would suspect.
My wife's cousin makes good money traveling around the country and talking to people about Cryptozoology, or the study of creatures thought to be mythical. He also has a museum up in Maine dedicated to the study of these so-called "cryptids". You've probably even seen him in the shows on the History Channel and elsewhere.
I have a theory, but i can't talk about it in this forum.
But I can say this; these shows are diversions. I mean everybody knows these shows are crap to watch, so why do people watch them?
Anybody remember "Tetrus"?
After I started dreaming about falling Tetrus figures,I threw that bad-boy out.That thing was more addictive than sex.
What I love is the idea that aliens would even wanna visit this planet. Think about it. On a galactic scale we are probably one of the shittiest backwater places you could think of. An intelligent native species that is HIGHLY aggressive. Killings their own species and others indiscriminately. That has, in some studies, recorded in 3,400 years only 268 of peace. In others less than 100 years of peace in the last 5,000 years, the majority of which is in the last century. Other native species that are extremely large and dangerous. Unstable atmospheric conditions. Technologically un-advanced (in comparison to species that could travel around the galaxy). Etc. Etc. Etc.

In a galaxy full of planets that are probably more mineral rich. More beautiful. Less hostile. I doubt we are on the top of anyone's list.
Well, I don't think the planet itself is a shitty back/black water hole but the bipedal's that run around the joint sure are wacked!

Seriously, if we are the only intelligent things in the universe, all I have to say is:
1: what a waste of space!
2: were domed!
3: There's gotta be something else out there and I don't mean signal cell goopy things ether!

I have never seen an alien but I believe there are.
I have not seen big foot, but I don't see why there could t be one. Now why is it we can't get a photo?!?!
Oh, they come here purely for the entertainment level of cave type men beating each other's brand out. Just like when we go to the movies! Only were live and only semi predictable!