Years ago I was driving home from work and saw something strange. It was getting dark and I already had my headlights on. I could see something up ahead 'dancing' on the left side of the road. I slowed way down as I drove past it and got a pretty good view of it as I went by.

It's hard to describe. - And I have no idea what it was.

It was approximately 2 foot tall, had 2 legs and 2 arms. It was green and the arms & legs were very thin. The hands and feet were webbed and the 'dancing' movement was similar to a marionette puppet. The feet were definitely coming off the ground. I didn't focus enough on the head to give any details other than it's face was sort of flat and it had long sharp protruding teeth.

If I'd driven past it faster I'd have thought it was a plant swaying in a breeze. It was about a foot onto the pavement and as I slowed down to drive past it I moved over to the right to make sure I wouldn't hit it. I was probably still doing 20 mph when I went by and I slowed to a stop. When I looked back, it was gone.

I wasn't shook up by the sight but I couldn't stop thinking it was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen. - El Chupacabra?

No, I wasn't drinking, dreaming, or dropping acid.