Custom beer flights & glassware

Greeting folks, it has been a couple years since I offered up my custom etched glassware. I have a new product to invite y'all to look at, beer flights and accompanying glassware. The flights are made from red oak boards, stained, custom logo painted and finished with 3 coats of polyurethane. Please look at the pics:

You can mix and match to your hearts content. In addition to these shown, I have already done a bunch of other names and such. If you are interested in something other than what is shown, shoot me a PM and I will get back with you.

16 oz. glass @ $6.50 each
5 oz. flight glass @ $6.50 each
flight paddle @ $15 each

To introduce the flight glasses, if you order 4 large glasses, 4 flight glasses and a paddle, the cost will be $57 plus shipping. If you have previously purchased a set of 16 oz. glasses, I will sell the flight set alone (4 glasses and paddle) for $35 plus shipping.

Shipping by USPS priority mail, with insurance:
4 glasses will ship for $16
4 glasses & paddle will ship for $20
8 glasses & paddle will ship for $20




