My kid took a video of my and my 14 month baby boy. There is an 'orb' in the video that flies in from the side (one of those video artifacts ) but my baby saw it, chased it and pointed to it and said "Pop-O". Pop-O is my wifes grandpa who died like 10 years ago and was never spoken of around the child.

Im driving back with some Marine friends from Tijuana on the 5 just north of Oceanside at about 3 in the morning. I was the designated driver so I was the least drunk. It was pitch black, very foggy and I was driving ~60...way too fast, just keeping it between the lines, no traffic to be seen. Visibility was about 150 feet or about 2 seconds. I hear someone in the back tell me to get out of the fast lane so I merge over one. Not 3 seconds after I complete the lane change, I blow by a stalled car in the lane I just left. It had no lights on at all, just a dark sedan sitting in the fast lane is all I remember from my own headlights. Now Im asking who told me to change lanes, and everyone in the car is passed out cold. I had the heebies the rest of the short trip home. I asked the next day and no one remembered telling me anything.