Your Earliest Fast Car Experiences?

I grew up with my dad always having something fast or someone building something in our garage but the memory that really sticks in my head was his cousins 67 GTO. 400 worked over with a 4 speed. I was about 7 and they had just finished working on it. Ready to take it for a test spin I climbed in the back. There was an entrance ramp getting on the highway near the house with a walkway overpass about a 1/4 mile up that they used for testing purposes. I remember him dumping the clutch and launching it and being set back in the seat as he rowed through the gears. Not sure how fast we were going when we got to the overpass but it was flat out moving.
My first experience driving a fast car came when I was 15 and one of the guys across the street let me take his 69 Torino 428 CJ a couple of blocks away to pick up a friend. I jumped on it after picking him up and still do not know I kept from hitting the cars parked along both sides of the road. It was after I got back that Jay asked me if I had my license yet it was a blast for sure.