Your Earliest Fast Car Experiences?

I had a friend who bought a 1970 LS6 Chevelle SS in the early 1980s. It was a 4 speed and he was afraid to ever step on it. One day he came and asked me to drive his car to show him what it had. What a joy that was (I was driving my 1972 Chevelle 350-4 speed in those days). Well needless to say, he was shocked that his car could scare the hell out of him. He was so happy that it had the balls it had, but he still never got on it himself.

My Chevelle had some pretty good power itself. I loved nailing it at a green light and then steering it sideways straight through the intersection (peg leg traction). Looking back on that, I guess that I was fairly immature for doing that, but man was that fun!