Need help with lower door hinges

I don't believe these kits were ever meant for servicing lower hinges where there are no OEM bushings to replace. In this case 1 kit = 2 upper hinges. There was a time when GM placed bushings in both upper and lower hinges. The parts manager there showed me on his computer where GM was selling over 10,000 of these bushings per year ( explaining why the were in stock one day and out of stock the next ).
That doesn't mean owners don't place these bushings in the other lower hinges. I've seen a couple of different methods too. Regardless how its done, it aint gonna last 10 years ( That's why there were none ). The mechanical,,, steel supports only about half of the length of a very thin wall bushing. The doors weight and forces from the detent 'S' spring, less than 360 degree rotation, all contribute to the bushings early failure.
So... get the right size drill, reamers, part alignment, go one step further and cut clearance between the hinge halves so the bushings flange can serve as keeper and thrust washer. Good to go for a hobby car but If it's a daily driver, Expect to replace these bushings at drivers door lower again and again.
Good used minimal wear hinges are scarce today. There was a member here who offered hinge renew services. Did he properly fill and re drill those holes ? I don't know.