Smoke Out of the Exhaust

Next time I get a chance to drive it at the end of the week, I will see if I can get a video. Freshened up does not mean a new build. The motor had been rebuilt some time ago, and then it set. I drove the car before I tore it down almost three years ago for this project. I don't recall it really smoking then. Freshened up in this case just means new gaskets and cleaned up. The heads were not removed nor was the bottom end disassembled. But as I said the motor has sat for a couple of years. The smoke seemed to lessen some after driving a couple of miles. Part of the problem was it had smoke rolling from PS fluid spraying all on the exhaust and manifolds and some oil seepage leaking on the manifolds from the valve covers. After my next drive on Friday, I will follow up. But thanks for the input.