Ignore lists to me are like putting blinders on a horse so he can't see and be freaked out by the BS. (whatever BS there is)
I'd rather deal with the BS head on, so I have ZERO on ignore.
Hmm....been dealing with my mental health problems for over 35 years now. Bi-polar, mixed severe with psychotic tendencies...the "psychotic tendencies" being out of control rage when I am in a manic state.....so I will normally do my best to avoid BS. This translates into me just avoiding folks that have pissed me off. Ad to this I am allergic to stupidity...not what anyone else views as stupidity but me...there is absolutely no reason for me to deal with people that I view as stupid...or those that have pissed me off in the past.
Not asking for anyone to agree with me. Nor am I asking for anyone to even attempt to understand it. Never have...never will...

And for what it is worth....your opinion means absolutely nada to me...nobodies does....ain't like I am friends with any of you....