Hmm....been dealing with my mental health problems for over 35 years now. Bi-polar, mixed severe with psychotic tendencies...the "psychotic tendencies" being out of control rage when I am in a manic state.....so I will normally do my best to avoid BS. This translates into me just avoiding folks that have pissed me off. Ad to this I am allergic to stupidity...not what anyone else views as stupidity but me...there is absolutely no reason for me to deal with people that I view as stupid...or those that have pissed me off in the past.
Not asking for anyone to agree with me. Nor am I asking for anyone to even attempt to understand it. Never have...never will...

And for what it is worth....your opinion means absolutely nada to me...nobodies does....ain't like I am friends with any of you....

I don't know what to tell you ink, since there are a shitload of stupid people in this world and a lot of them piss you off anyway it makes me wonder why a car site was where you chose to land.
Not saying in my opinion you should or shouldn't have landed here, just curious what it was that allowed us to be graced with that attitude. :D
The poor me I have an excuse because I have this and I have that isn't very attractive at all, and just so you know, "for what it's worth" I don't give a rats *** about what your dogs did today, and if I did I would more likely be on a doggie website instead of a car website.

Since your parts took 54 days to show up you could have said that, but instead you post 54 and nothing else.
That is sooo annoying as it's a huge pathetic cry for attention, and I don't get along with people that do stuff like that at all.

Since we seem to be saying whatever we want and all. :D