Minivan Ghost window

So my wife is in the drive though and gets her lunch and is rolling out, rolling her power window up in the 2012 Dodge Caravan. She hears a loud POP and thinks she hit the side mirror on something. Meanwhile the driver window starts to slide down into the window by itself. She hits the up button and it doesnt stop but starts to make a grinding sound. Oh **** she says and calls me from home. "Honey, I broke the driver window..." WTF? how?? "It just broke, i didnt hit anything"...did the window break or is it stuck? "I heard the sound of shattering glass but the window is down in the door" Ok. ill look at it when I get home.... "I made an appt with Carmax to look at it..." Not before I look at it, bye. So I shake the door and there is no glass sound and remove the door panel and find a cable hanging in the breeze. when it popped out of its lift, it hit the door skin like a drum. The cable operates the 2 lifts on 2 tracks that move the window up and down and one spring loaded end had popped out of its lift. I further look and i find that the cable is totally stuffed around the motor pulley and looks like a fishing reel after you cast it with no drag. So I put it back with 2 bolts and she drives it to carmax who tell her they wont fix it because its already apart and they cant diagnose it. OK, no problem because the diagnostic was going to be $60 and the repair was roughly quoted at $400 to replace the window lift! F that, I find a new driver window lift for $51 shipped on Amazon Prime and some panel push pins to boot for another $8 (for 50!!). I look on youtube and find out that the entire inner door panel comes out now (no working through sheet metal hand holes) and the window literally snaps into the carriers from the top. Hardest thing was getting the 2 rods popped off the lock mechanism, and trying to put a bandage on my sliced thumb one handed......:-( So I got the window held up on the track by a little vice grip until the new lift arrives thursday and I get to install it Sat. Good times.....
Gotta love those 21st century Mopars.....Not!!