best cylinder head

Best heads for WHAT?...How much Money you want to spend?

CNC Eddy heads can run have dome pistons they will not work with the close chamber eddy head...nor close chamber Indy heads...Hughes Big mouth will require new rockers as they use an offset intake rocker....

again how much you want to spend...or can afford to spend...W8 makes big power....the New Eddy Victor head is available and it looks like it will run with the W8 head....but again...going to new a lot of new parts....

SB VICTOR ready for Dyno | Unlawfl's Race & Engine Tech | Moparts Forums

actually your best buy might be a set of open chamber w2 heads...wont have to change pistons...but going to new a lot of other new parts....
Tony,I looked for a set,of decent Econo W2's,a decade ago... couldn't find a set,for the 408 build... Haven't seen an available set,for a decade...My favorite cylinder head,btw....