Would you trust 13 year old tires?

HELL NO!! I have a friend who is a mechanic and restores cars as well. He keeps numerous tires mounted on different wheels (chevy, ford, etc) ready at all times to move cars around in his shop. These mounted tires have gotten pretty old over the years because he works out of his house (over 20 years now) and can't afford to buy new tires just to have them sit around waiting to be used on another project.
At least once or twice a year he'll be working in his shop and one of these "spare tires" will simply blow up!! They are all between 5 and 15 years old. It's a crap shoot!!
As long as you use old tires to move your car in your yard or garage it's OK but if you're going 30-40 MPH be prepared to ruin a rim or have an accident because when they "blow" they blow!! Even 10 MPH would be alright but any faster than that is just asking for trouble. That's my opinion anyway.....

I guess it comes down to how much your car is worth????
Good Luck,