5.7 with hilborn injection

Been a while sorry. Latest update. 10.71 @ 123 mph
but my EGT readings are too high 1413! yikes.

We had a huge temp drop between rounds .

1st time trial I had #20 jets in the injectors with a #95 pill in the barrel valve for return. Ran a respectable 11.16 but EGT was 1430
2nd time trial #20 jets and a 90 pill. Ran 11.05 @ 117mph EGT was 1413 but air temp and altitude was dropping so for the 3rd run we dropped the pill down to 85 trying to get the EGT down. Ran a 10.77 @ 121 mph and EGT were 1415

So first round of eliminations dropped to an 80 pill but the weather was changing so fast that I ran a 10.71 @ 123, as stated earlier in this post.

So after breaking out... I waited for Test and tune time and dropped the pill down to #60 and with the weather stabilizing, the sun came out and we were more normal for weather it ran 11.35 @ 115 mph but the EGT was 1350.

So next weekend I will continue to chase a lower EGT as I don't want to melt my engine down lol.