W2 Heads on 1996 Magnum 360 Block

Thank you for letting me know about the cam snouts. I was unaware. I am a long ways out from that point but I will take suggestions on who to use for for a cam that will work for my application. The plan is to use an electric fuel pump inside the tank. Not certain if I need the longer snout if I will not be using a fuel pump eccentric?

I did see that thread and will be following those modifications closely, I hope they apply to magnum blocks as well.

As for the rear end, I know some of the purists may not like it, but I plan to get a disc brake 8.8 Ford since Explorers are very easy to come by in South Texas. I found a good thread here where a guy cut down the longer tube to be equal to the short tube. I am going to follow his footsteps.