Anybody read up on this "Planet X" ??

Which "planet x" are you referring to?

To my knowledge. Planet X originally referred to Pluto was before its discovery. And because of that now generally refers to some unidentified trans-Neptune bodies. That is, bodies that orbit beyond Neptunes orbit. Consisting of kuiper belt objects. Along with 12 identified minor planets (including pluto). They have identified the orbit of many of these bodies. And given that they believe there may be a "planet nine" (so named because all other bodies are no large enough to be considered a planet, including pluto). There is some deflection and clumping that has only .007% chance of being luck alone. And this correlates with a large (2-4 times earth size) planet forcing the smaller group of planets to clump in the opposite direction. Without this planet, their orbits would be much more random, given the interference of the giant planets on the outer solar system.

Of course, this is hypothesized right now. The planet has not been confirmed. But is the most likely explanation for the orbit "clumping" you see here.