Cruisin the Coast

The event is always Thursday of Crusin' the Coast. it starts at 9 but we usually get there around 7 and still not the first ones there. the location has changed to the parking lot east ( a few hundred yards ) of where it's always been for several reasons like we now have a bathroom readily available without having to cross hwy 90, the lot layout is so there will be no driving thru ( fords and chevys looking and drooling ) so it's safer to walk around. parking is more abundant so the overflow of cars we've had in the past will now be able to join us for the Mopar fun with the outstanding FREE FOOD the Killer and the gang put out. if you are going to CTC, it's a Mopar MUST !

Harry, is it on the same side ( south of Hwy 90 ) just a little more East of the Marina.