'64 Altered Wheelbase Dart

So far, I'm glad to hear all the interest has been positive. We spent two days up at SEMA talking with some people, and once we tell of our little circus, smiles show up on all the faces. I spent some time at the Cragar booth, and hooked up with some of the originators of the wheel. Good news! In a couple months, they will be offering lug specific wheels!! No more Uni-luggers!!! I curse those darn things! But, what this means is there is enough want of these old Cragars, no doubt due to the gasser movement. Hooray!!! Does not look like we'll have it running for the 'Fling, but it'll be one heck of a roller with Steves. I'll be over at his place this week, tying up some welding loose ends. His Max Wedge will be in the car. And, we should have the DVD's to hawk. I'm looking forward to hanging out on Sunday. Pray for killer weather!!!

Its hard watching the World Finals on the T.V. We had hoped we could be there this year, re-living the sixties in true match bash fashion to show the public what it was like over forty years ago when the sport was gathering steam. Funny cars have sure come a long way, huh??