survivor vs restoration

went to title&tag today needed a copy of power of attorney tracked down daughter of owners learned a lot about car bought new in wythville va nov 65 car was used sparingly as the were a farm family and mostly drove the 48 ih truck car was main car until 04&keptt in garage when they got a new Nissan at that time it was kept in a machinery shed registered as an antique vehicle and ocassionaly driven 2 years ago wife was put in nurseing home car was tarped and not started since husband must have died in 04 and the title put in her sole name so basically a 1 owner car today was a pain in the *** but its titled tagged insured and went on about a 5 mile cruise and did well a little bumpy probbavly tire issues
drained the old gas and replaced the filter added 5 gal pure 93 octanelso runs much better don't stall out have moved the 67 dart in the next bay and think I can work out registration issues inside putting up new gsrsge doors need to work out heat&light before coldDSCF8702.JPG