looking for a solar powered light

hey guys, as some of you might remember, me and my kids build a small garden shed a while ago

I installed windows in it for daytime light but since the kids like "camping" in there I thought it might be nice to install some form of light in there

it sits too far back from the house to run electricity out to (I may still at some point, but not anytime soon) so I'm thinking of solar lights

now, the shed does sit in a wooded area, so the panel will not be in "direct" sunlight

anyone have any experience with those?
any suggestions, brand or setups to look into or stay away from?

thanks guys
I have a solar light in one end of my driveway. put it up about 3 yrs ago, and just ordered a replacement battery for it. (haven't got it yet) the light has a big tree on the east and west side of it, where it doesn`t get sun all day, but most of it. have to keep the limbs trimmed back. it will not burn all night when there are is a lot of cloudy weather... if u could extend the wiring from the solar cell-from the actual light itself, where the sun would be on it all day, it might fill your need. don`t know about the increased load the longer wires would put on the cell tho . be careful, I didn`t know any better, and got raped on mine !