FiTech EFI system

What does it do to brass and Yellow zinc over time?

Makes me a lot of money replacing jets in Motorsports stuff.
The small jets will get really small or plug all together.
The white sluge in the bowls add just a little more fun to it..

It is rare but sometimes it will stop a fuel injector from working at all..
we have a place that sells 100 octane race fuel nearby..
Over night this stuff will kill a carb. or injector.
Must be the good stuff......

8) it was rhetorical, but thanks for helping me solidify my That economical tank/pump combo that the masses seem to rave about doesn't have my endorsement. I know i'm far from the automotive authority figure of the world, but something about NPT brass fitting and hose barbs in a 58PSI system running walmart gas with 10% ethanol wouldn't let me sleep at night.