Medication side effects

Hi everybody,

Anybody get side effects from prescribed meds, and what kind of crazy side effects have you had? I never had this issue with prescribed meds before now.

I have tendonitis in my upper back and shoulder muscles. This is an inflammation of the muscle tendon areas. It causes the muscles to tense up and lock down at random like a charley horse. Pretty frigging painful.

Doctor prescribes me a medication to reduce the inflammation. It works great for that, but 2 weeks in i start getting random sharp pin prick sensations all over my body coupled with itching. Kinda feels like you rolled around naked in fiberglass attic insulation or wearing clothes made out of fiberglass. To say it was driving me nuts was an understatement.

I looked up side effects of the meds on the net, and whatta ya know. The side effects i have are whats listed. So i stopped taking it, and 3 days later the pin pricking sensations are gone, but now my muscles are starting to tension up.

Getting old sucks.